Assisting Nursery school teaching
Our target group is preschool children from age 2.5 to 5 years old. The smallest group is 2.5 + where we call it 'Play Group'. Kids 3.5 + we call 'Kindergarten 1 and the 4.5+ we call Kindergarten 2 kids.
These kids social and soft skills abilities are improving day by day, but is still quite weak in the system therefore we need International Volunteers to extend their volunteering contributions to uplift and make ground start more comprehensive and consolidate. Because of this, we expect from our volunteers to help preschool kids with their activities, assisting the teachers in coloring or painting with them, playing with them, carry our out door activities, sports and teaching them your skills and knowledge of arts & crafts, basic conversational English etc.
We run two nursery schools, there are about 130 kids and 11 local teachers there in both the nurseries. The welcoming you will receice here are amazing and unforgettable and the energetic and loving kids you will remember for long years.
From a politic point of view, the children are undergoing lot of hardships because of the poverty. Sri Lanka faces an unsustainable debt and severe balance of payments crisis, which is having a negative impact on growth and poverty, especially in most areas since the economic crisis and your contributions will be valued extremely high.
You will work together with the preschool or primary school teachers to develop long-term projects, and conducting them from the proposal until the achievement. You will also get the chance to spend time and discuss this with them to better understand their needs and wishes as we expect your gesture in 'Teacher training' too. Of course, we are open to imagine other projects with other skills that you carry, as a volunteer, such might be able to bring, or that you might find useful for our students.
Also, keep in mind you are working with locals at any time, so you will not be on your own, and you can always get their help if you need.
Last thing, in our culture, teaching is a noble and respectable profession. Volunteers are thus expected to wear suitable attire, and refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol and take drugs, as you are considered as a model of our students. For example, students will worship you before and after the class and you will make yourelf educate with plenty of other cultural norms that are in practice. Your participation and involvement assisting the teachers will help you learn loads of cultural ideas to exchange enhancing your experience.